Banish the vampires for a positive 2015

We all start the New Year with a sense of optimism but how many times have you found this drains away as the year progresses? I’m not talking about whether you manage to stick to those New Year’s resolutions or not, but the ability to keep tapped in and on-track to the feelings of renewal and unexplored potential that each New Year brings us. It’s all down to preserving that wonderful energetic vibe and let’s face it, when it
comes to our energy levels none of us have limitless resources. So, the way to hang on to that great New Year’s vibe and have it sustain you all the way to your goals is to look closely at where you may be giving your energy away and what drains you – and to stop the leaks! Here are some of the most common ‘energy drainers’ out there.

1: Energy vampires: We’ve all experienced them at one time or another. That friend or acquaintance who only ever talks about themselves, their problems and on-going dramas, who expect us to be always there for us without giving anything back in return, and who leave us feeling totally drained or even despondent afterwards. True friends leave us feeling energised – not the other way around. If you know someone like this it’s time to learn to say ‘No’ to them – either by starting to put distance between you and them or by not being at their beck and call. If you are worried about what may happen to them, please don’t. Once they realise you are no longer available they will soon find someone else to drain.

2: Places that give you a ‘bad vibe’. The house you share with two other people you really don’t get on with that well or your neighbourhood that you really hate. That spare room or closet cluttered with junk. That pub that’s so gloomy but which your friends always insist on going to. Your dingy office space. All these kinds of places drain your energy. Time to look for a new living situation, clean out that junk, tell your friends about the wonderful new venue you’ve discovered that you’re dying to show them, or start to look for a new job. Our environment has a profound
effect on our energy levels. The flip side of this coin is that we all know of places that ‘raise our spirits’. If you need to make permanent changes such as moving house or changing jobs, keep your energy levels high by ensuring your visit that favourite park, beach or countryside walk that recharges you both physically, mentally and spiritually.

3: Parade Rainers: Similar to energy vampires but harder to spot, people who rain or your parade are those who either overtly or subtly undermine your dreams by telling you the reasons why you won’t be able to attain them. The first thing to remember about these people is that they are telling their story and not yours. The second thing to remember is that unless you know 100% for certain that the person you’re confiding in about your goals is on Team You, the best way to not give away the precious energy you need to pursue them is to keep your goals to yourself until you have manifested them. It’s really that simple.

4: Hanging on to the Past: We all need reminders of the past but we should take care not to become prisoners of it. I’m not talking about throwing out that beloved childhood teddy bear or those photographs. But that outfit you rocked back in the ‘80’s? Those love letters your ex wrote you seven years ago and you’ve not seen or heard from them in three? We invest our energy in these things but we get no return on it. Time to reclaim it and start living in the now by de-cluttering the past.

When you have more energy you are more able to fulfil your true potential – all the way to loving your life more and to true goal success. So, take back your energy and make 2015 your year to shine!

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