Your Soul Compass Interactive Tarot Reading – Pick A Tarot Card

Your Immediate Future Soul Compass Interactive Tarot Reading

With our psychic Helen

What’s coming up for you in the near future? Dance with the dynamic energy of the universe and unlock your future potential. Each one of the Tarot cards below contains a theme for you that you’ll encounter in the upcoming weeks. Call it preview night! There’s always a secret source of wisdom we can tap into that opens up a new dimension when it comes to understanding the energy that’s available to us. And it tells us where to direct our focus, align with the Great Attractor and to be ready when opportunity some. So, open yourself up to infinite possibilities, tap into your highest expectations, take a deep breath and let your soul compass guide you as you pick a card below

Tarot Card Number 1 – Two of Swords

Don’t underestimate this card whatever you do! The 2 of Swords is one of the most widely misunderstood cards in the Tarot. Even experienced readers can misinterpret its meaning. Confusing it with being stuck or hesitating instead of being in harmony and balance and harnessing your dynamic energy within! You have so much power available to you. And if you’ve picked the #1 card today, it tells you that you have aligned your soul and your intention to direct it into a key area. This card tells you – it’s time. Expect the arrival of something new in the upcoming weeks. What has changed in your world? The answer is – you have! What arrives or changes is a direct result of you actively choosing peace and harmony within. The result is you reclaim your power and ability to move forward without the restrictions that have held you back in the past. Love this card even as you send yourself some self-love for having arrived at this place after so much has conspired to knock you off your balance point. But now you’ve reclaimed it, look forward to maintaining it. Even as you step into the first stage in a larger success story that’s unfolding for you now and move forward in harmony again.

Tarot Card Number 2 – Four of Wands

Connect to your emotional foundations if you’ve picked the #3 card. What have you been yearning for? The 4 of Wands tells you good times are going to return now and you’ll have something to celebrate in the weeks ahead. And even someone special to celebrate with! Does that yearning include an old flame or someone from the past? If so they could return. Those foundations this card speaks of could literally be bricks and mortar as sometimes the 4 of Wands points to a move or new home. When we think of new homes we always associate keys with this. And that’s your other message if you’ve allowed your insight to connect you to this card. You’re being handed the key to unlock something. Someone’s heart? Success? Your own potential? When it comes to your relationships you’re feeling more open, more daring, more loving. Close one door on disappointments of your past. And open a new one to getting closer and feeling more supported as a result. You’re coming from a new place of emotional strength now which cannot be shaken because it rests on your belief in YOU. Celebrate those foundations and walking through a new door to love.

Tarot Card Number 3 – 10 of Cups

Billy Ocean sang about this card in his 1988 hit. Okay, so the track wasn’t actually called ‘Get out of my dreams and into the 10 of Cups’ – but the vibe is the same. Goals escape from the world of dreams and into reality. Ready to live the dream? In some way, shape or form. You know what settling for less than your heart knows you deserve feels like. And you’re not going there again. The 10 of Cups speaks of soul-centered satisfaction that’s just pre-packaged with lasting promise. Get ready to embrace the new. This could be a new love for singles or taking an existing one to a new level. That professional recognition arrives and feeds your soul. You take a trip or go on holiday and your destination turns out to be renewed faith in yourself and your future.  The people you encounter now just seem to want to go out of their way to help or say ‘yes’ to you. If you’re waiting for an answer on an interview, work project or any other matter, if you’ve been drawn to this card it’s telling you that you’ve your best chance of a positive outcome now. Love, success and happiness are no flash in the pan. They’re staying for the long term and telling you: Dreams can come true.

Tarot Card Number 4 – Queen of Pentacles

Step into renewal and self-rulership if you have been drawn to this card. Recharge and even inspiration can be found simply by spending time in nature. If you live in the country that’s easy but if you’re a city dweller then head to that park! When we are drawn to a court card it can often mean someone who embodies the energy of the card is about to enter our life. They could be an astrologer, psychic, teacher, psychologist, writer, entrepreneur or be connected to horticulture, agriculture or serving the planet. Or is this you I’ve just described to a ‘t’? Because sometimes the reason we pick a court card is that an aspect of ourselves linked to the card is emerging. This is all connected to your path and purpose with this Queen. Set aside self-doubts. Especially around making the wrong choice or thinking you don’t have a higher calling. Because this card tells you that simply isn’t the case. Indecision and uncertainty are about to become a thing of the past. Replaced by surety and what can only be called Your Royal Progress. Someone may cross your path who validates this feeling and allows you to recognise your own potential within them. They may be a present or potential employer, manager or even mentor or simply someone you encounter who by their example, opens your eyes to your own purpose and path. This Queen is a gift. You rule now.


2 thoughts on “Your Soul Compass Interactive Tarot Reading – Pick A Tarot Card

  1. I loved this free reading… I’m at a crossroads and the two of cups actually says I can have it all :)

  2. I’m feeling very lonely & very emotional and I find my self tends to isolate my self I don’t have panter in my life right now and I’m also wondering to my self why is this happing to me what did to the desired this ? I’m looking for quick reply thanks Ms Meikle

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