July Soul Compass Interactive Tarot Reading

Your July Soul Compass Interactive Tarot Reading

Your astrology forecast is just one of your soul compass tools for navigating your way through the month. The Tarot is another that’s just as powerful and can provide accurate guidance and a heads-up to what lies ahead. There’s always a secret source of wisdom we can tap into that opens up a new dimension when it comes to understanding the energy that’s available to us. And where to direct our focus. The Tarot unlocks this for us and guides us towards where our potential lies in the upcoming month. As well as altering us to any surprises that may lie in store. So, think about the month ahead, amp up those expectations, centre yourself and let your soul compass guide you to one of these four cards.  What can you expect in the coming month? Scroll down and discover what’s ahead for you this July!

Tarot Card Number 1 – Two of Swords

Don’t underestimate this card whatever you do! The 2 of Swords is one of the most widely misunderstood cards in the Tarot. Even experienced readers can misinterpret its meaning. Confusing it with being stuck or hesitating instead of being in harmony and balance within. So, if you’ve picked the #1 card today, it’s a sign of your aligned soul and intention in a key area. The card tells you that it’s time to move ahead with something now. It promises the arrival of something or someone new due to you consciously choosing peace and harmony within. And you now having the wisdom to know what you can change in your life – and what you can’t control. July promises surprise developments in work or romance or you will be given something you quite frankly thought was out of reach. You’ll be moving forward without the restrictions that may have held you back in the past as something new replaces the old. This could even be like-minded and supportive friends. Love this card as it tells you this is just the first stage in a larger success story that’s unfolding for you now and move forward in harmony again.

Tarot Card Number 2 – Four of Wands

Snafus may occur around romance, get-togethers or travel plans. Or you may find yourself pulled in two directions. Between say family commitments and the things you want to be doing for yourself. People may also rub you up the wrong way without meaning to. Or else you may be irritated with a connection who only ever seems to call when they want to dump on you or need a favour. There’s also a question around whether someone is being entirely honest with you. And yes, I know this runs against the grain of this card but every card of the Tarot has its hidden side and I’m dealing with this one first. This does not necessarily mean that these are the aspects of this card you are dealing with this month if you have been drawn to it however. The good stuff is the return of an old flame or friend, satisfaction with work or communication projects or plans, and putting self-consciousness and fear of being judged by others behind you. This card speaks to you of your emotional foundations. Sometimes this is literally bricks and mortar as this card can point to a move or new home. Other times it’s about our support network – family, partner, friends. Or simply our own surety and belief in ourselves. This is going to be a month of opening up to others as a result of this. And getting closer and feeling more supported as a result. It’s all about people for you this month who smooth the way for you.

Tarot Card Number 3 – 10 of Cups

Billy Ocean sang about this card in his 1988 hit. Okay, so the track wasn’t actually called ‘Get out of my dreams and into the 10 of Cups’ – but the vibe is the same. Goals escape from the world of dreams and into reality. You are living the dream this month in some way, shape or form. A new love could manifest for singles. An existing one gets reinforced with a future promise. You take a trip away from worries – possibly literally as this card can often indicate a holiday. Even if it’s not a romantic interest, the people you encounter this month seem to want to go out of their way to help or say ‘yes’ to you. If you’re waiting for an answer on an interview, work project or any other matter, if you’ve been drawn to this card you’ve your best chance of a positive outcome now. Of course you have to do your part but this card says, if you put your faith in yourself, the universe will back you. Sure, just like anyone else, you may still have to deal with your fair share of niggles this July. But this month shows you, dreams can come true.

Tarot Card Number 4 – Queen of Pentacles

Be on the lookout for this Queen or for someone of any gender who embodies the energy of this card. They could be an astrologer, psychic, teacher, psychologist, writer, entrepreneur or be connected to horticulture, agriculture or serving the planet. Or is this you I’ve just described to a ‘t’? This card is all about finding your path, centre, purpose or core. Even if this is not connected to any of the areas I have outlined above. If you’ve tuned into the wisdom of this card then it is telling you that someone will cross you path during the coming month who will show you the way. Or else hand you the insight to see whether the path you have chosen is correct or not. This card also represents someone who is very good with money. Not in a ‘greed is good’ way but in how they earn, manage and invest their resources. You can learn a lot just from watching and listening to them. They may be a present or potential employer, manager or even mentor or simply someone you encounter who by their example, opens your eyes to your own potential. This Queen is a gift. Get ready to receivea royal progress report.

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