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Cosmic Ordering Made Easy

As an astrologer and a psychic I have been Cosmic Ordering since I was a child and it really is very simple to learn, the only reason why you will fail is if you don’t believe you can Cosmic Order, believe me anyone can and you certainly can.

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Why your beliefs matter more than your experience

Why your beliefs matter more than your experience If you’ve read most of the articles I’ve written, you’ll see that I keep talking about the importance of your beliefs when it comes to any kind of manifestation work but I’ve said very little about the impact of your experiences in life. The reason for that […]

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Cosmic Ordering Love

The person who turns up might have everything you were going to put on a list – but the universe might surprise you with someone who was even better than you could have dreamed of!

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Cosmic ordering vision board

How to make a vision board Whether you are using the Law of Attraction or Cosmic Ordering, a vision board works its own intriguing kind of magic. A vision board is simply a board on which you paste images and words that resonate with what you want to draw in.  A good one helps you […]

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Cosmic Ordering in synch with new moons

Shaman of old would weave together many elements in the creation of magic.  As a 21st Century Shaman, I believe that we can do the same!  Blending astrology and Cosmic Ordering creates a particularly potent mix. Cosmic Ordering is based on the principle of Ask, Believe and Receive.  Astrology looks at the influence of planets […]

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