Celtic Cross Tarot Reading

Celtic Cross Tarot Reading

Click the start button to begin your tarot reading.


Start by clicking card number one and proceed through the cards in sequence.



Hello Beautiful Soul,

Welcome or welcome back to your free Celtic Cross Tarot reading. You free Celtic Cross Tarot reading has been online for over 20 years and I am so glad that you’ve discovered it. Click for your unique and personal Tarot reading.

Celtic Cross Tarot Reading. Your Free Celtic Cross Tarot Reading

The Celtic Cross is probably the most famous Tarot spread of them all. I’ve adapted the Celtic Cross to add an additional two Tarot cards to the outcome. I’ve always adjusted the Celtic Cross in this way as it gives a fuller picture of your outcome. Read your Tarot outcome as if it were a story, follow what each card is saying and you should get an in-depth answer.

How does your free Celtic Cross Tarot reading work?

We get so much feedback telling us the free Tarot readings are spookily accurate. I can’t explain exactly why they seem to work so well, but just like when we shuffle to Tarot cards before we do a live Tarot card reading, the randomiser turns unique cards just for you. If you’ve ever had a psychic Tarot phone reading with one of our wonderful psychics they will shuffle the cards for you. In other words, you don’t have to physically touch the card to get an intuitive and accurate Tarot card reading.

How often should I do the free Tarot reading?

It is a personal choice of how often you do the Tarot. Some people do the Tarot daily to see what the day ahead holds. Other people may choose to do the Tarot weekly or just once and awhile. While there is no set answer I suggest you do it once a day at the most. Tarot timelines can get very confused if you do the Tarot too often.

I also have a free audio Celtic cross where I talk through the Tarot cards you have chosen.


244 thoughts on “Celtic Cross Tarot Reading

  1. I’ve been a professional Tarot Reader for 30 year’s but decided to stop reading them for myself.
    I’m what’s called a “sensitive” and sometimes I just know things about others this has been both a good thing and at times not so good. I’ve been seeking free readings from people who appear genuine and that give me a sense of positivity while looking at the picture they provide.
    I believe Michelle is one of those genuinely and naturally talented people so I will stay with her rather than jump around from site to site.

    I’ve just turned over my cards in the Celtic Cross reading and was not surprised at how amazingly accurate it was. I was seeking encouragement from them that I had already chosen the correct path for myself as I was still in some doubt while moving on it.
    After reading the outcome of my cards today I’m no longer doubting or second guessing myself.
    I see the clear way forward and the people I can expect to meet on my journey who will smooth the way.
    I’m assured today of Success and Happiness that I will attain at the end of my quest and that was exactly what I came here to find out. But remembering every quest in life has its difficulties but the pain you must go through to reach your goals and make them reality are nothing compared to finally finding success and contentment in your life.
    The Tarot Card’s are amazing centuries old tools that never lie to the one who is reading them. But it takes many years of hands-on learning to know how to utilize them perfectly.

    To those who say they come in here numerous times in just one day for a reading and turn over the same cards. This will always happen and although the web-site technologies can be blamed it’s more often that the person is seeking to change the outcome of the first reading they had.
    You cannot change your future unless you know what it is in advance and take firm deliberate steps to make happen exactly what it is that you desire.
    When I was a professional Tarot reader in Europe and the USA I made it my practise never to read for one person more than once each day. No matter how much money I was offered.
    The Tarot Cards pinpoint what you can expect to confront in your life and often produces the exact same reading because that is exactly what is in front of you for good or bad. To try to find a different answer when one is not there for you is not wise.
    The Tarot cannot be manipulated to that extent so it throws out different cards which disappoints the one looking for answers.
    The Tarot is to be respected. It is not just a game.

    It is up to the person who is seeking future knowledge from the Tarot to understand what the reader is telling them and make their own decision on how to act based on the advice the Tarot is giving to them.

    I once had a dream and I chased my dream to another country 6,000 miles from my own. I gave up much in my old life to have another life in an exciting new place because that had always been my dream.
    I reached and lived my dream only to find it was not the reality I thought it to be. Now I’m moving back to the place I came from and although my journey will not be easy after my reading today I’m convinced it’s absolutely the right thing to do.
    We will always have free-will in our lives and need to excise it with caution.

    Thank you so very much Michelle for the free readings you provide. I will consult them often and I will always encourage others to do the same.

    Englishlady in USA.

    1. It kind of felt like a narrative of my entire life at the moment, idk if I really believe in this stuff,but the last card was like hearing the voice of a long lost, and trusted guardian telling me that I already knew what needs to be done…now it’s time to get to it. The push i needed.

      1. Hi iv checked my phone settings the Celtic reading doesn’t open iv tried my phone to th side upside down nothing is working

  2. Thank you Michelle, your site and readings always make me feel more positive through hard times x

  3. Hello my name is Kathleen been seeing this man Michael for over two years he says he doesn’t liove me but likes me but lately he keeps saying about Leonnue we had Chinese shared pork balls and chips Mexican keeps mentioning her name she goes there every day they both smoke a jjoint I used to see him every weekend know see him once a fortnight he says I assume things doesn’t want to talk to me when she is there or when his friends are there and when they watch a film he says we are watching a movie where dies that leave me he says I have trust issues something is not right my gut instincts tell me he is playing me.

    1. Dear Kathleen, I’m what is called a “sensitive” and after reading your post I felt I had to leave you something here. The man you talk about is someone who is deep and secretive and is not the one you seek. He sees you as a friend but not a close one. It’s best that you try to move on from the pattern you are now within concerning him. I’m quite sure your future lies with another who is more open and honest and genuinely cares about you.

  4. I been seeing this men in my dreams and visoin and like a movies playing in my head I listing to love songs all day and I can’t stop thinking about him I feel like its my soulmate l been fleeing happy about my self will we meet I have a fleeing that we will but I have a boyfriend and I am not happy at all I get happy when I see my soulmate I had a fleeing to tell my boyfriend that he can have them a friend

  5. I would like to know if the new job opportunity offered will be a good move for me? Also will I be happy again with someone else?

  6. I would like to know is my lover will eventuslly leave me for this other woman or stay with me. What has the future has instore for my love life. I have no boyfriend and I have no serious commitments

  7. My youngest has just disclosed she has been abused by another female. We have notified police and all the authorities. Will my child get justice and this woman put to prison? Please help

  8. As an older person who is in good health wants to move forward in work but has lost his foundation to generate money. What will be the right course to solve this condition?

  9. I love to know about my husband and family, about our future. Is my husband faithful to Me? Will my children have a good future?

  10. This is 100% true. I am really moving to another continent. I would just like to know if I am healthy. Thanks a lot!

    1. loving the free cards on here , lovely to do , They make me feel better and happier, Struggling though with somethings right now , Dont no if your able to help ? Louise xx

  11. ive just had a reading with david and he was lovely, kind and spot on with everything he said to me i will definately be talking to him again

  12. Picked up on some feelings and energy that i have sensed for sometime now. Great read, will take it on board.

    Thank you x

  13. Having a tricky time with my partner at the moment, and although I asked for myself, this reading picked up his energies perfectly. Wowie!

  14. In my point of view the readings are very accurate with where I stand in life in that moment. One of my cards read “Perhaps having three strong female relatives such as sisters. Good support network. Rejoicing. Having a laugh and a good time. A party with your female pals gives you back your confidence and power.” I have exactly three best friends who have helped me through a rough time and they have allowed my to see my worth and my strengths. They have been my bavkbone to the T. This is just one of the many accurate readings. Love my readings, with all the good there is bad and even then the readings are very true. Thank you!

  15. I really need to know if she looked and found something or he told something or both and why did it get like it did

  16. I enjoy the free readings on Michelle Knight’s website. They are very accurate for me and always different. They are a great fun tool. So it is all in the perspective, isn’t it. Stacey Canada.

  17. I am a hairstylist for the past 22 years I am based in in India , I have not really been recognised for my work. I want to travel abroad to work, been trying for the long longest time, will I be able to go abroad and work and if yes then please do tell me where.

  18. Celtic cross reading is the same all day, dont be fooled, it seems we’re all getting the same rubbish!!!!
    Standard reading for all……

    1. YOUR computer is cache the reading! Try it with a different browser and you will see that this is not the case! I will get my tech person to see if there is anything to do her end but it is not happening for me. It might have been worthwhile to ask if there was a problem rather than be so disparaging!

      1. I have found all of your stuff to be very accurate! Never had issues and I appreciate the fact you give us so much free stuff. Thanks for that! I do have issues with some of the animal totem ones changing while I’m trying to go through them though.

  19. Your celtic cross readings are the same generic layout of cards regardless of how many times you try re-doing it on the same day!! Very disappointed….


    1. See above. Your computer is Cache them. Try with another browser. Your reading is as unique as if you had shuffled the cards.

  20. Ive noticed an algorithm that gives the same exact readings to any person who does the celtic tarot every 5-12 hrs or so

  21. Ive tried getting pregnant for 21yrs. I think i might be but might be false pregnancy. I have spoken to 2 other phychics trying to find the one I’d like as my spiritual advisor. The 1 psychic didnt answer my question, they said they see a new romance in my life and he might be the one. Ive been married many yrs and happy lol. 2nd said they see great things including an ex coming into my life and to see if he’s my soul mate call them lol. Can you tell if i will have anymore kids. My son is 22yrs old.

  22. Hi Michele and Company,

    I was wondering what you can pick up about the One. I’ve been single for some time and despite dating throughout college, haven’t found that connection with my any of my classmates or coworkers. I suspect we crossed paths, I have trouble opening up when it is needed.

  23. I like the reading. My question if heart is will there be a chance to be back together with my ex. I’m sure this is a topic widely discussed but something inside me still long for her.

  24. I feel alone and broken, I have no work and every relationship I get into seems to end up hurting me… I feel like am crashing down yet nobody can see me, I tried drugs, I tried everything just to see if I’d feel better little did I know I was killing myself slowly what’s going on with me…. Can anybody help

    1. Neema,im sorry you are going thru those feelings and tough times right now:(. I have been thru similar situations. My only advice i can give to you since my experience is you are not ALONE and keep your head up and things WILL get better! Its gonna take time but time heals everthing.. i did drugs to and also tried to hurt myself thinking i was alone and nobody would care and i couldnt take anymore of bad things coming my way but i finally stepped back and realized all i was doing was hurting the people closest to me. My family and friends that i thout wasn’t there for me ,was in pain watching me spin outta control. That was the most hurtful thing i could do to my self was see my family hurt… that was the worst and my rock bottom. I had to realize i was super selfish and needed to get my own shit together. I had to find what i wanted for my life and i was the only one who could make it happen for me. If i didnt like where i was or what was going i had to search for what i needed to change that all. I had to ask my self why i had shitty relationships what was i doing or wanting so i didnt be in those again. Neema i hope i help you and give you hope that you will be ok.. please realize you are not alone and people care about you! Hopefully you are not doing drugs still as those will never let u get the chance to have a happy healthy life you deserve!!!;) good luck and you are destined for great things!!

    2. So sorry you are going through this. I had this feeling for a number of years a long time ago. It can and will pass but please find a good therapist or speak to your doctor in the meantime to get the support you need x

  25. What do you see in the future for my sons and i ? Is my current relationship with their father toxic ? Financially everything seems to hard is there a light at the ens of the tunnell .

    1. Hi Jane, I think the fact that you are asking if the relationship with the father is toxic, is a good sign that it probably is. There is always a light at the end of the tunnel, though!. I would take steps to establish some independence. Get a bank account and a credit card in your name if you don’t already have one. If you don’t have good credit, get a secured card to start building credit. Do an internet search for community resources in your area. There is a lot of help out there for low income people. You can get food, medical insurance, housing and utility assistance and counseling. Consider going to a community college to learn a trade. You can get financial assistance for that too, including extra for living expenses. You are stronger than you think and things will get better, You just have to be ready for them to change. I wish you all the best!

    1. Hi Stephanie. I believe the answer depends on whether you are using birth control consistently and correctly. If you are, the likelihood of getting pregnant is about 1%. You might miss your period altogether for another reason though, such as stress, or it may come a little later. It’s not always exact for everyone. But if you’re not using protection because you’re trying to get pregnant, then I think there is a very good chance that you are! . Wait 10 days from the time you missed the period in order to get an accurate reading and then take a pregnancy test. Hope that helps!

  26. Hey Michele Im Sort Of Dating This Guy Atm,Not Sure If He Feels The Same Way About Me? He Says He Thinks He Fell Inlove With Me,Is He Being Honest Or Just Messing With My Feelings??? :/ Need Some Answers Thanks Beautiful Lady!

    1. I’ve changed your name on here as it’s public and not sure you want everyone knowing! Trust your instincts but also look at your patterns! You know the answer. I’ve just put a love reading up so see which cards you get x

    1. I like what that cutie, Dermot Mulroney, said in the movie, The Wedding Date, He said, “Every woman has the love life she wants.” Meaning if you have been single for awhile, some part of you may have wanted it that way. Try analyzing whether your values are in sync with each other. For instance, a person might want love, but believe that being in a relationship means giving up their privacy or making too many compromises, or something similar. If we unconsciously hold contradictory thoughts we can sabotage ourselves. I believe you will find someone when you are truly ready. Best wishes !

  27. Hello.
    My name is Nadya.
    Recently, I have been having these mood swings and my crush is basically now avoiding me. I don’t know if he has found a new girl or not. I understand that he went through a traumatic incident Recently, dealing with being hospitalized for a week because of dengue but now he barely even talks to me and says he would rather find someone else not like me. I am so confused with my own emotions right now. I don’t know if he likes someone else but I do have deep feelings for him.
    I have been having strings if bad luck lately when it comes to my love life. Nothing is going right for me. I’m just so worried about what will happen to me in the future tbh.

    1. Hello Nadya

      Could it be that your crush feels less than worthy of you? Is he aware of your feelings for him? You’re confused for sure. Men are weird but sometimes they are not what they appear to be. He may have deeper feelings for you than you realize. Sometimes men avoid us because they can’t handle the deep emotions they feel for us. . Here is what to do; leave him be and carry on for awhile. It may take time before he gets in touch, give him the gift of missing you. If he text just respond “call me”. It may take a day or two before he does. When he calls let it ring a couple of times before answering. If he really missed you he’s going to let you know. He will want your time.

      1. Nadya, you deserve better than him! I say release him entirely and for good. Do not tell yourself that it’s just that he went through a hard time recently or that if you act distant then he will want you. You will just prolong your pain. . If he had sincere feeling for you, nothing else would matter. But instead he already told you how he feels. When someone tells you who they are, listen to them. And that is exactly what he’s doing, saying who HE is. It is no reflection on you! Don’t blame yourself because of mood swings. Everyone has them, that’s normal. But do work on your inner self, though. Love yourself more and you will find a man who values you and is sure of his love for you. I wish you all the best!

  28. Hello, I’m having an unclear time in my life. I feel lost in the workplace and my love life doesn’t seem to have fire anymore. I am trying to find a great job to pay the bills I need to pay but am having horrible luck. I don’t have many friends and just feel lost and like I don’t know what to do or where to go from here. What should I do?

  29. I need help . I was talking to someone online for a year and half, we are seriously like twins and when we finally got to see eachother it felt like we had known eachother our whole lives. Nothing was uncomfortable or felt weird. Like we just know . But a few weeks ago I freaked out because I thought heb was avoiding me and I went overboard and now he has not talked to me in three weeks no matter how hard I tried to say sorry. This is not our first time going through this but I’m just wondering if this was just the last time now. I dont want to give up because its a feeling like no other. Even after 13 years in my old relationship. Just hope someone can feel something. Thank you

    1. I dont know about the situation 100% but I would avoid this guy like a plaque. You deserve someone who is secure in himself, embrace love and intimacy, and genuinely wants to be close to you. It is either he is not interested or he supressed his emotions (emotionally unavailable) and detach himself the situation. Read the book titled “attached” by Amir levine, you might find your answers.

    2. this sounds like ‘soul shock’.. you can find more by searching for
      How To Avoid The Twin Flame Soul Shock
      (not sure i can post a link here but this should find the page)
      for an article about it, that will shed light and hopefully bring you some new understanding..
      im going through the same thing too .. good luck

  30. Hello having trouble with some paper I’m supposed to turn in for work. What should I do? And I’m having a littlke financial problem.

  31. Hi. It’s been two weeks now since I came to my company headquarters for my documents to be arranged so I can travel to my home country for a needed vacation. My company is not in a good situation now and I don’t know how soon my documents can be processed. It’s been more than a year since I had my last vacation. Is there a chance I could travel soon?

  32. Someone has broken into my house and stole everything that I have. My life has been totally a mess with no money, family issue and with lots of debts, no love cos of I have met a horrible person which has torn my life into pieces make everybody turn their backs on me. In the end I have to leave that place and be alone to stop all the negatives. I have restored myself and moved on then this thing happened. That was all my I have, all I have!! They are all my valuables. I adore all of them so much and now that’s all gone! I know the thief is my neighbor next door but I don’t have specific evidence. I really want to catch her and get all of my stuffs back! Every time she walk passed by my house will give me a cunning smile. I feel threaten,uneasy and unsafe. I have get the police involved but nothing more they can do. I really want to know whether I can get my stuffs back in the end, confirm she is the thief and catch her! I hope she also will move out after and leave me alone. Thank you!

      1. Hi Laura,

        Thank you heaps for your reply! Really appreciated!
        Did you mean you have got the name of that person called Sara? I think her is Sofia or something. Did you get her location as well just to be sure? Is she next to me at number 4?


  33. Anyone pick up for me, love and read for others a lot, but need guidance myself, I’m very ‘stuk’ frustrated, why there’s a situation on. MY mind. Anything anyone on the a

  34. Hi. My husband and I were divorce 10/16/16. We have a child together. He is in a relationship with someone currently and I am not. We recently began speaking again. I want to know if he and I are going to get back together.

  35. I would like to know about my work situation. I´m currently unemployed but starting in a new position in August. That´s better than nothing though salary is very small, to make a living will be very difficult. I´m still constantly seeking and applying better jobs, before this new position starts. I´s there anything better available for me?

  36. hi, I am 40 year old female and got friendship with 22 year old for the last 6 months. I am happily married with 2 childre. I got carried away with this guy and offered a one-time sex also on his request. I helped him, cared for him like no one. Got connected with him . 1 week back, we had a fight as i got upset over him for not messaging me back. For that he ended the friendship completely and not ready to see my face. Ignoring my messages. I have said sorry many times even though I am not sorry. Please help ! I feel like i have been used.

    1. i feel you are needing approval from others, the need to feel you are still attractive to the opposite sex. You need to try and focus on loving yourself not in a egotistical way but be kinder to yourself stop putting yourself down, you might not say it out loud but you think negatively about yourself. know you are beautiful and worth loving, don’t ever give something away (especially a piece of yourself) because you need approval or something in return. when u give try not to expect anything in return, do it with an open heart and you will never be disappointed. Communication is the key with your marriage, he is a lovely man…you need to go out and court each other again like you did when you first met. its become stagnant

  37. Loved my Tarot card reading! Feeling lucky right now!!!! Can’t wait to see my old lover!!!!!!

  38. Please help me. my life is spiraling out of control. I over drew my boyfriends bank account to pay bills. He is a great man who loves my mentally challenged son and has been good me. I have prayed and prayed, I am going to lose everything.

    1. For some reason I have only just seen this message. I am so sorry for not replying at the time x

  39. Thank you for the free tarot reading I enjoyed it very much it was accurate and I read a lot into it

      1. I have never experienced such precise knowledgeable support than I do from @micheleknight . If I need guidance on my life path or in need of some healing, I go to michele and try all the generous and wonderful FREE readings she has to offer. My Instinct shows me the way and @micheleknight reaffirms and lovingly guides me. Thank you so much as you have been a huge part of my life for many years now and many more to come.

  40. Will my daughter win her appeal to lift her suspension from university. She was not properly accommodated for her learning disability and it is wrong.

  41. Can you help me with if I should stay in my marriage or leave? I am very confused – although I love my husband and our three children he can be quite controlling. Would I be happy if I left and took our children with me?

    1. Think it 100 times before you leave him. Have you tried to make your relationship better? Do not give up easily. Good luck.

    2. Control is a form of metal abuse and if you stay in the abusive relationship, the control will only become more frequent. You can give all the excuses in the world to stay, however, just the fact of you wondering about leaving tells me enough is enough. Have a look at ‘Narcissist behavior’ on ‘pintrest’ you might find some answers their and don’t forget, you are number 1! Take care.

  42. I am a psychic here in the US and I love your free readings especially the audio readings they are so spot on for me..Namaste

  43. Hello. I am right now going through a very tough time in life. So my question is will it get better and will i ever have a child of my own?

  44. Hi i find the website very good, its helped me several times out, im starting a business and im a Trainee counselor so its busy for me. stressful same time, as ive been ill in August and not had any clients, its as though the universe has said you need to rest. but that does not help when only one of us is bringing in the monies, so everything crossed will get there soon

  45. I was feeling a great after this reading, but then I had a friend use the same thing, she was given the exact cards as me. I thought it was a bit odd, so I checked on a different computer and yeah… the same cards. That’s not nice at all. People obviously come here because they need help, guidance, words of encouragement, etc. All you did was give a false reading, a joke. Yeah, it’s hard to trust an online tarot reading because really, how do you know it’s real? But I guess I got my answer :(

    1. Thank you for your message! Don’t jump to conclusions! There was a problem with the cache which caused it to be broken! It is fixed now! Give it another go!

  46. Hello im having problems with noise from the tenant that lives above me is there any likelihood it will be resolved soon my health and stress levels are enormous.

  47. Thanks so much for access to these apps . I would love to put them on my website or some with my own pre loaded options. Who was the creator? I would love to have them make some for me.

  48. I love the readings and they are always spot on whether I want them to be or not. Another great tool but also beautifully presented. Nice Job Michele.

    1. If you press the F5 key, it refreshes the page and the cards so they give you a different selection. Try it and see if it works. It does for me.

  49. Wow! I’ve just selected the Celtic Cross and quite frankly, I am blown away by how accurate the cards were. They are usually pretty good anyway, but today … well … it was spot on! Thank you xx

  50. I feel like im running out of time. My parents live in another state. My mom is in very bad health she has lost a leg and is so weak right now that she is in a wheelchair. I just found out my dad is going down hill also. I want so badly to move home and take care of them but im stuck in another state with a man that refuses to leave where we are. I have prayed that I could win the lottery or sweepstakes( I know it sounds silly) so I would have the money to get a car and have the money to move back and buy a house for all of us. I also have a dream to be able to help people in need with the money. I will never forgive myself if something happens to my mom or dad and I wasnt there for them. Please help me!

  51. Whenever I do the celtic cross I always get the card that says a nasty devious person will come in the future { one of last 3 cards} Who is this dear readers Is it my partner,my sister, her husband or a carer looking after my mother. one of these is imminent trouble maker I think I know who it is. Do tell me

    1. My personal belief is that you should trust your intuition if you think you know who it is. That said, if you’re having any doubts whatsoever about your mother’s caretaker I would investigate as thoroughly as you feel is necessary, whether that’s the person you think it most likely to be or not, especially if your mother may not be able to speak up for herself to tell someone if she’s being neglected or abused. Do also consider the possibility that it isn’t anybody you currently know. Whoever the person is, I wish you luck in ‘unmasking’ them and coping with any effects.

  52. Hi I am in training at a new job i feel this guy is trying to get me fired what do you see in my near future

  53. I feel sad and lost and alone a lot of the time, I want to communicate with my spirit guide/guardian angel, or at least find out their name, but I don’t know how to. How do you talk to them? How do you hear them?

    1. I think that’s a journey that is unique for everybody. I would recommend doing some reading, be it online or books from a library. Follow what resonates with you and I think you’ll find your answer.
      Beyond that, I just wanted to let you know that you aren’t alone in those feelings, as well as that there are people who can help. I know that sounds kind of cliche but I say that because I used to feel that way too.

      1. Thank you very much, it just seems hard as I don’t know how or what to do, but thank you :)
        Blessed be

  54. Hi Michele. I need to ask are me and my ex ever going to get back together? I seriously need help. Im completely lost and drowning

    1. I can’t answer this on a public forum but please read the articles in my soul mate section which will help reempower you xx

  55. I’ve have been struggling for a long time. Mostly since my husband passed 6+ years ago. There has been financial worries, extreme concerns about my son, and work issues. I’m trying to get a new job closer to family . Will I get the job and relocate and will this be positive for both my son and me? Will I sell my home quickly?

    1. Hi Jan, I can’t answer this sort of question on a public forum but please look at all the articles in the Soul Mate articles section as I think this will help.

  56. Please can you advise me if things are going to improve, i feel i cant take much more stress its affecting my health and sanity, the neighbours downstairs are constantly playing video games and or loud music all day and night the council wont do anything, i try to help others without asking for anything in return.

    1. I feel it is important for you to seek help. Speak to your GP and perhaps have a chat with your local MP if you feel the council are not listening to you. I can’t answer this on a public forum as I do not have you name so therefore cannot link in. x

  57. I ask for your guidance once in a while, and really appreciate your advice, thank you.
    Right now, your reading speaks volumes…I’ve been wondering how to say it!

    1. There is a fantastic therapy called Cognitive behavioural therapy otherwise known as CAT which is incredible. Speak to your GP about getting a referral. Sending love x

    1. This is the month I’ve lost alot of lived ones and it feels like my family is fadding away they don’t talk to my family and I don’t no why.

  58. Hi, I’m a bit lost atm with a lot around me going on, is there going to be any happiness coming my way?

  59. Hello, I see the number 37 a lot, it’s been happening for years, can you shine a light on that for me?

    1. 37 breaks down to 11 which is a master number. This suggests that you have more power than you realise and have a little bit of the magician in you! Create a vision board and trust in your own ability to create your destiny. It’s a great sign!

  60. I’m very concerned that the person I wish to be in my future I’m not sure what I can do it’s been a very stressful 8 years. Why am I hear is my question, what is my purpose in this relationship

  61. Hi I’m in love with a very successful man we get together at least once a week but I want more how can I tell if there’s a chance it will turn into more? Plz help

  62. Hello my boyfriend and I have been arguing so much lately that last night he left i don’t know what to do. I love him but unsure of how he feels about me and I’m scared hurt and feel betrayed.can you help me see light at the end of this suicidal tunnel because that’s the point I’m at. Thank you for your help

  63. Hi Michelle Im in a very bad situation at the moment, i allowed my partner to move into my home 2.5 years ago. I have amounted debts up in my sole name as he had a bad credit rating, to re mortgage and have repairs carried out, but he agreed to pay half the debts, he hasnt kept his word and i am really struggling to meet all the payments. I want him out my home have asked him several times to leave but still here. Jobs are left half completed and its affecting my health, i work a 50 hour week but cant meet all the bills. Do you see any change in my finances soon and him leaving me so i can enjoy life again ? Many thanks L& L xx

  64. Evening

    Thank you for this website. I use this with my own cards for a better understanding of the madness called my life! Lol.

    I’m trying to find some answers or guidance on how long will my current situation on finding my next career step. The last 2yrs have been all about huge change in career, home, love & personal development. Everything I was working towards has been turned upside down! I did wish for change, it was needed, but WOW….even my foundation, beliefs & resilience is being rebuilt!

    Any guidance on this would be wonderful.

    Thank you


    1. I like to see the outcome as a flow. I have always had three in the outcome as it gives a fuller picture. I invented this at 14/15 and I find it incredibly specific x

    1. Hello there, I’m afraid I can’t answer questions like this in an open and public forum but there are many free resources here to help you deal with your situation. If you would like a reading one of my psychics will be happy to help you via email or phone. Sending a ton of love to you and hope things have resolved x

  65. I’m going to set up my own Phone Line No disrespect to Michele I think she’s brilliant great lady However not one of my readings came true from her psychics!

    I am gifted and ask people who come to me to give to charity only. Is this why my readings are so precise? I would move to share this with a spiritually enlightened soul God Bless you all and especially Michele xxx

  66. Hello Michele my ex is so jealous of me and my boyfriend I’m ready to throw the towel for good this has happened before all because he wants to meet him and three can be a crowd

  67. I was tricked into signing over my parental rights. Now they won’t let me see my son. I’m trying to find a lawyer, but nothing I do is working. Will I ever see him again? I dream about him every night. I miss him so much.

    1. Oh my goodness my heart breaks for you. What made you give full custody over… I feel you have had some sort of breakdown and have been takenadvantage if whilst in a weak state. You will find the right lower a good counsellor but it will take time. X

    2. It’s very important you seek legal advice. I can’t answer this type of question as it would be unethical. Sending lots of love x

  68. Asking for help I don’t know what else to do and my relationships my living situation my work status Im at a downfall i’m afraid to make any moves because I feel I’m goingto be bad I am very much confuse there’s days where my energy is so high then there’s days that I am so depressed I know somethings going on because that’s not me at all I am an Aquarius always on top of my game I need help please

  69. Hello, from what I can, things are going to start looking up for me. I have prayed a lot and I have wanted this change for a very long time. The reading is pretty awesome. Could yo
    u tell how soon? Thank you, Donna

  70. Im a young women and I feel very hopeless for the future. I have been through a lot in my life and nothing is really seeming to get better. I was wondering if there was anything hopeful in my future? If there is anything I have to look forward to?

  71. My husband lives with other woman already over 1 year and don’t get divorce with me. I asked for divorce, but he doesn’t do anything. Will we be back together again?

  72. Mine told me he liked my thighs I knew it wasn’t my own thoughts that’s how I got to realise he loved me

    1. It’s a voice in your head that talks to u in his her own way it’s different from your own listen out for it u might think I didn’t say that and that’s your angels voice

  73. Any advice greatly appreciated and giving thanks in advance.I have just lost my father in hospital to spirit just before christmas …and now homeless soon …Trying to remain positive to attract positivity not working :-( Any flashes of positive things to come? Love and Light Peeps XX

  74. Hi I’m trying to figure out what my tarot reading means it had the nasty devious person in outcome and air sign woman in what’s behind me what is hanging out with girl friends in home improvement also celebration in outcome what does this all mean.

  75. I keep applying for a job everywhere already 4 month, but for some reasons I can’t get any. I had interviews it seemed I will get this job, but at the end they say I am not selected. Why not me? How long I will have to wait?What is wrong with me?

  76. Dated a guy for 6 months and it was going great. Then he said he just wanted a friendship but continued to contact me and we would spend time together. He spent a lot of time hunting but still kept in touch. Over the last two months he has backed off, but let me know he went on vacation. I am confused. Any words of wisdom would be great!

  77. Please help. I feel at a complete loss and my life has gone from perfect and happy to completely broken. Was I right all along? Should I go back? What do I do next? I can’t teust my own feelings right now x

  78. I am in love with this man who I only get to see once in a while. I feel the chemistry between us but do you think he’ll make a move so that we can start dating and see each other more often? :)

  79. Hi been having problems with an ex, he is with somebody else but 1 min tells me that he still loves me and misses me then a couple of days later he is all for her. We were 2gether for 5 years they have only been 2gether a couple of wks. He is confusing me please help x

  80. Hi, I feel so confused and anxiety filled about almost everything, money, my career, my relationship and living situation. I feel stretched thin to the breaking point and sometimes feel that everything is about to fall apart and I’m so exhausted that I don’t know how to improve things. I would just love a break in any area of my life. Does anybody see any? Thank you so much.

  81. I’m a bit lost right now and i’m not sure what direction i’m supposed to go ?. I’ve been a full time mum for 10 years now and i finally tried to do something for me and get back out there i have a few interviews for college and i’ve also just been offered an interview for a job but i don’t know what to do ?.

  82. Hi my partner has his daughter in Australia and is trying to get access to her and his daughters mother is making it difficult. The drama has put a strain on our relationship. I don’t know weather to move on with my life without him or to stay. I really want my future with him, I have no idea what to do!

  83. Romances are ships that pass in the night. Just fly out and stay with your parents. Move there would be good. I don’t feel this so called romance will last anyway.

  84. I’m a Quantum Healer and mystic. I’ve read for over 30 years. I say this. Feel your soul. Learn to live your soul it’s who you are. Feel the energy moving in around your body to the highest brow chakra and beyond the energy will be felt above your head into the twelfth chakra. Now move with it… This takes great practice. This is your higher self. All that energy and love is being embraced by the Universe. You may feel sleepy when you do this. This is astral travel when our soul travels it searches. You are still attached to the body youwill return to your body. You will learn how to move ask questions to heavenly beings. This your guide who helps you in astral will also guide you back to your earthly body. It’s an opportunity to ask their name. And ask for their blessed help in future. This is a beautiful experience it is pure joy. Try to meditate to the sound of windchimes and rain to take you into a deep sleep. You will learn how our souls can change things move around and hold conversations. What you experience in this state is a completely different experience here in the earth realm. Because it is physical. It takes a long time to learn how to do this. Good luck and blessings.

  85. No you won’t loose him. I’ve been reading for over 30 years. But you do need to get help in communicating your concerns and worries over bills and juggling life. Your son is the number one priority here.

      1. Am so sorry to hear you are looking towrite and say sorry to someone? You know this person MUST say sorry to you dear one. He must write or apologise in some form of communication. You may never receiveit as cold hearted man. Please Terri live yourself!. And don’t sell yourself short again in the wrong man. Onwards and upwards!

  86. I want to know why is my life keep on replaying ? Who will end with ? Why am I so judgmental ? Why do I feel the way I’m feeling now? Who do I love ? Why did I get this virus and by who ? Why do I feel that my bestfriend was doing something behind my back ? Why do I hurt the people I care about ? Why do others want what I have ? Why do I feel like I can’t trust anyone ? Why do I always open up to the wrong people ? Why am I always sick ?

  87. I need to sell an apartment located elsewhere. Will I be able to sell it quickly? Will I get a good price?

  88. Hi I wan to know if my husband will come back to me and this divorce won’t go through.. I am beyond heartbroken. I want him back so badly. Should I continue to hold on?

    1. Hi. I’m so sorry to hear of your divorce. In my humble opinion, anything is possible. However, I would warn against blind hope. After all, you’re broken up for a reason, regardless of who initiated. Do we cast our pearls before swine, and hope for the best? or do we take the time for self-care? If it were me (and I’ve been in those shoes before), take time for you. Nurture yourself, be kind to yourself, after all, you lost something that means everything to you. Explore your alternatives, but I would not focus on him coming back. I realize this is more like conventional advice but it does come from the heart.

  89. I don’t know where my life went so wrong…. I quit a bad job to try to start a business and borrowed money from my brother. It’s my dream but I haven’t been able to make it happen. Now I’m running out of money and applying for jobs to get back on track. Now my landlord says they’re selling the property and I have to move September 1st. No work, no money and no place to live soon unless I find work. Plus because I quit the job I don’t qualify for government assistance. What a mess. Follow my dream? The universe sure doesn’t seem to be on my side.

  90. Hi im just wondering if I should keep the faith or come to terms that I will or I won’t become a mother in this life time… i honestly would just know now so I don’t have to walk around with my hopes up only to later find out I could of been putting all that energy into something else. .. and also is my life on the right path or am I just getting used to being around “normal” ppl again??

  91. I want to know if I will regain the love, health and money situation that I had prior to 2012-13. I currently have various muscular and skin problems since 2012-13, and I then broke up my girlfriend of 2.5 years 3 years ago, and then nearly lost my mom to heart trouble a few weeks after my girlfriend departed from my life. My cat of 15 years died 18 months ago, and my finances have become rock bottom in all this time.
    Can anyone give me some advice before I take my life?

    1. Dear Eric,
      Your life is precious don’t take it away. In life we do sometimes have these phases, but everything has a purpose and after a storm always comes the sunshine. at least your mom is ok and your alive ! Love will come and so do good things but at its own pace.
      in the meantime try to love yourself first and the rest will come to you.
      Stay Blessed.

  92. Hello I am at a cross roads and both paths begin bleak at first but I can’t see past the first bend on both paths. Please help

  93. Hi I really need help, my partner left me with our children to another woman. I never done anything wrong but all he does is giving me tears, hurting n broken heart please help me

    1. It is important to remember that when a relationship comes to an end both parties have gained as much as they can from it, and as such this relationship has run its course. Find the strength to move forward and concentrate your efforts on building a new life for yourself and your children. It may take a while, but eventually you will find someone who really values you for who you are. Be patient and find that inner strength and things will soon change for the better.

  94. Hey, I am at a real confusing stage of my life and I am finding it hard to pull through. How is my future looking?

  95. Hii

    I was with this guy for 2.5 yrs, were friends b4… all was well, and he broke up saying that he is afraid of commitments now. He was sure about us.. can u tell me will he come back?

  96. Hi.. my name is sumit .I am 35 yrs old an indian citizen .My dob is 7th jan 1982.I am going through huge financial crisis for almost 9yrs which affecting me and my family dialy life directly.I am scared over me my family future.please help me………….

  97. My family and I are homeless the last 3 weeks.can you see a house for us or what can you see as this is a very worrying time for us.

  98. I lost my first child 7 years ago I was about two months pregnant. After I had a mis-miscarriage I never got pregnancy again. Now that I’m married have been together 4years & married for 2 years..we both want a baby together and have been praying on.it and never giving up. But I have been having dreams of water and sometimes fish. Shortly a week after I have had pregnancy symptoms, but it could just be my mind playing tricks on me. But I’m holding on to faith that just maybe I could be pregnant… can you tell me what the cards say about it ?

  99. Morning, I have recently found out that theres been another woman around the guy i thought i had a future with… Please could you see if they are serious about each other and will they last, or do you see him coming back to me?? Thanks in advance. xx

    1. Just being intuitive, not actually psychic but ive learn to trust my insights basically the first thought I had: you know the truth baby girl if he planned on coming back…you wouldn’t know about her. Do you still see a future through the heartache of another woman? If it’s not serious, the next one maybe. No big deal you were just wrong about your future because like all of us…you are not psychic!! Perfect time to reinvent your life plan, refocus and prepare yourself for the real guy in your future..

  100. Hey I recently went through a pretty rough breakup. 5 years. I can’t seem to shake it off. Moved across the country for a girl. Didn’t work out so I moved back. I keep tryin to go back hoping that it will get better. I don’t want to make another mistake. Any suggestions or what can you tell me

  101. Hello.
    I won lottery and varnish the money in less than 3 months, most interesting was that I never realized that I am bankrupt till 4 days ago. The whole thing happened sudden and quick. Plz what can you say about this. My card read worries, depression and sleepless night, which is exactly what I am going through right now. I am highly depressed and having thought of committing suicide as the way out, I just can’t stand the shame in the eyes of people, the headache is too much and I don’t know what to say to my love ones. I wish I never won this money….Plz was I not meant to win this money….i see this as a course not a blessing because too many damages is been done ever since I won the money?

  102. I’ve in love with my boyfriend and I’m doing everything right this time, what I mean is I’m honest and don’t lie, not even the smallest lie. And why do I, he treats me like I’m not who I say I am.? Help

  103. I have been unclear on life it seems as if the moment that I’m allowed to relax something happens to make it difficult. I used to have fun overcoming these challenges but I tired of never being left alone to be happy is it okay to leave?

  104. GM!!!! I’ve been in this relationship since November 2016 and I want to know if I’m wasting my time with this person or do we have something good on with each other!!!!

  105. I will be 76 on the 5th march, have no real worries, but would like to know if there is ANYTHING exiting for me in the near future?

    1. Just being intuitive, not actually psychic but ive learn to trust my insights basically the first thought I had: i suggest you get four friends you have any kind of history and take a summer trip, since you have no worries…create the excitement you seek. Hope this resonates

  106. Been feeling very low and I don’t think it’d just because of the weather, would love to know if things are going to pick up

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